Source code for nomnomdata.engine.components

import logging
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Dict, List

from nomnomdata.engine.errors import LoadError, MissingParameters, ValidationError
from nomnomdata.engine.util import dict_union

py_type = type

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ParameterType(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    ParameterType is the base class for all parameter types.
    Should never be directly instantiated.

    def type(self):

    def shared_object_type_uuid(self):
        return None

    def validate(self, val):
        return True

    def dump(self, val):
        return val

    def load(self, val):
        return val

[docs]class Parameter: """ Parameter for use in a ParameterGroup, also contains options to control the look in the Nominode UI :param type: Set the type to allow validation of the parameter and so the UI understands how to render this parameter. Example valid parameter type :class:`~nomnomdata.engine.parameters.String` :param name: Parameter name, will be the key used in the final result passed to your function. :param display_name: The name of the parameter to be displayed to the user. :param help_header_id: Header ID in any MD file declared in upper scope that will be linked to this parameter. :param help_md_path: Full path to an MD file that will be linked to this parameter. Cannot be used with help_header_id. :param required: Setting this to true will require the user to set a value for this parameter, defaults to False :param description: The long form description the UI will diplay next to the parameter :param default: Default value of the parameter will be set as on task creation, valid values vary by the ParameterType you use, defaults to nothing """ def __init__( self, type: ParameterType, name: str, display_name: str = "", help_header_id: str = None, help_md_path: str = None, required: bool = False, description: str = "", default: object = None, many: bool = False, categories: List[str] = None, ): if ( not isinstance(type, ParameterType) and type is not None and issubclass(type, ParameterType) ): raise ValueError(f"{type} is not an instance, perhaps a forgotten ()?") elif not isinstance(type, ParameterType): raise ValueError( f"{type} is type {py_type(type)} when it must be an instance of a {ParameterType} subclass" ) if name == "alias": raise ValueError( "alias is a protected parameter name, please use another name for your parameter" ) self.type = type = name if help_header_id and help_md_path: raise ValueError("Cannot use both help_header_id and help_md_path") if help_header_id: = {"header_id": help_header_id} elif help_md_path: = {"file": help_md_path} else: = None self.display_name = display_name or self.required = required self.description = description if default: type.validate(default) self.default = default self.many = many self.categories = [{"name": val} for val in categories] if categories else None def validate(self, value: Any): self._verify_required(value) if self.many and value is not None: for v in value: self._validate(v) else: self._validate(value) return True def _validate(self, value: Dict[str, Any]): if value is not None: self.type.validate(value) return True def load(self, value: Any): if self.many: return [self._load(v) for v in value] else: return self._load(value) def _load(self, value: Any): try: result = self.type.load(value) return result except Exception as e: raise LoadError(f"Exception while loading parameter value: {value}") from e def _verify_required(self, val: Any): if self.required and val is None: raise MissingParameters() def __str__(self): return f"{self.type.__class__.__name__} Parameter" def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.type.__class__.__name__} Parameter>"
[docs]class ParameterGroup: """ParameterGroup acts as a logical and visual grouping for parameters :param name: Unique key for this group, defaults to "general" :warning: you cannot use parameter groups with the same name on one action :param display_name: Display name to render in the UI, defaults to "General Parameters" :param description: UI description for this parameter group, defaults to "" :param collapsed: If the UI should collapse this parameter group when rendering, defaults to False :param shared_parameter_group_uuid: UUID of the shared parameter group defined for this parameter, can be safely left undefined in 95% of cases """ def __init__( self, *args: Parameter, name: str = "general", display_name: str = "General Parameters", description: str = "", collapsed: bool = False, shared_parameter_group_uuid: str = "", ): self.parameters = args self.collapsed = collapsed self.shared_parameter_group_uuid = shared_parameter_group_uuid self.description = description = name self.display_name = display_name self.type = "group"
class NestedType(ParameterType): def __init__(self, parameter_groups: List[ParameterGroup]): self.parameter_groups = parameter_groups def load(self, value: Dict[str, Any]): union_params = dict_union(self.all_parameters, value) kwargs = {} for keyword, (param, val) in union_params.items(): if keyword in ["alias", "connection_uuid", "shared_config_uuid"]: kwargs[keyword] = val elif not param: logger.warning(f"\tUnknown parameter '{keyword}', discarding") else: if param.many: kwargs[keyword] = [param.type.load(v) for v in val] if val else [] else: kwargs[keyword] = param.type.load(val) if val is not None else val return kwargs def validate(self, value: Dict[str, Any]): if value: union_params = dict_union(self.all_parameters, value) for keyword, (param, val) in union_params.items(): if keyword not in ["alias", "connection_uuid", "shared_config_uuid"]: try: param.validate(val) except ValidationError as e: e.add_key(keyword) raise @property def all_parameters(self): results = {} for pg in self.parameter_groups: if isinstance(pg, Parameter): results[] = pg else: for p in pg.parameters: results[] = p return results
[docs]class Connection(NestedType): """ Connections are generally used for authentication credentials, parameters will be stored encrypted on the Nominode instead of in plain text and can require seperate permissions to be viewed or used. :param connection_type_uuid: Unique ID associated with this Connection :param parameter_groups: ParameterGroups in this connection :param description: Description of the connection to be rendered on the UI, defaults to "" :param alias: Short(er) alias for the connection :param categories: Categories this connection belongs to, for easier sorting in the UI. """ type = "connection" def __init__( self, connection_type_uuid: str, parameter_groups: List[ParameterGroup], description: str = "", alias: str = "", categories: List[str] = None, ): self.connection_type_uuid = connection_type_uuid self.description = description self.alias = alias self.categories = categories super().__init__(parameter_groups=parameter_groups)
class SharedConfig(NestedType): """ Shared Config are generally used for authentication credentials, parameters will be stored encrypted on the Nominode instead of in plain text and can require seperate permissions to be viewed or used. :param shared_config_type_uuid: Unique ID associated with this Shared Config :param parameter_groups: ParameterGroups in this Shared Config :param description: Description of the Shared Config to be rendered on the UI, defaults to "" :param alias: Short(er) alias for the Shared Config :param categories: Categories this Shared Config belongs to, for easier sorting in the UI. """ type = "shared_config" def __init__( self, shared_config_type_uuid: str, parameter_groups: List[ParameterGroup], description: str = "", alias: str = "", categories: List[str] = None, ): self.shared_config_type_uuid = shared_config_type_uuid self.description = description self.alias = alias self.categories = categories self.parameter_groups = parameter_groups